Why you should plan a Chick Vacation this holiday season
1. Gas has gone down....way down! If you held of that road trip with the gals right now is a great time to go with prices below $2.00. This time of year brings so many fun things to do all over the country why not take a trip and enjoy the holiday splendor!
2. Airfare prices have come down. Priceline along with other online travel websites are advertising many below $200 round trip tickets. Never been to the north at Christmas time head north. Want to get away from the cold head south for a true southern holiday.
4. Help the economy. I know you might be thinking why should I help the economy I am scared of spending money let someone else do it. The problem with this theory is that everyone is thinking this way and that is not doing any of us any good. Stop watching the news and their doom and gloom and be reserved. You can enjoy all the great deals this season and watch your pocket. There are many postings on this site on how to travel on a budget. You may not be able to go to the Ritz but you can certainly plan a great trip on a budget and not feel scared.
Everyone at Chick Vacations wishes you , your family, and your fellow chicks a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving.